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2023 Board Candidate Profiles

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米歇尔·克里斯坦森 | 艾琳Hottenstein | 罗斯·马里昂·卢 | 约翰·彼得·麦凯 | 马克·斯蒂格 | Averil链

米歇尔·克里斯坦森photo of 米歇尔·克里斯坦森

职业: Chief Operating Officer for Housing Catalyst

教育: master's degree in social 工作, LCSW

Why are you running for the Health District board of directors?

卫生区在我们的社区中发挥着至关重要的作用,为未满足的需求提供创造性的解决办法. Accessing services continues to be a challenge. 我希望有机会在有需要的地方发现并扩大服务, adopt systematic changes, and find policy solutions.

What special skills or qualifications will you bring to the board?

在社会服务机构工作了30年,使我对人们在经历行为健康和/或物质使用障碍时面临的挑战有了广泛的了解和理解. 我与当地服务提供商建立了牢固的工作关系,并欣赏他们为满足社区需求所带来的合作精神.

What do you hope to accomplish?

The health-care needs in our community continue to grow and change. 我希望帮助卫生区成为确定存在差距的领导者, 与合作伙伴共同努力填补空白,使每个人都能获得生存所需的卫生保健和服务.

What is the most pressing health-related issue facing our community?

COVID大流行扩大了对行为健康和药物使用治疗方案的需求. 及时获得接收服务也成为一个日益严重的危机,因为我们看到满足需求的熟练提供者短缺. Navigating health-care systems is becoming more challenging as well.


艾琳Hottensteinphoto of 艾琳Hottenstein

职业: 顾问, 教练, and Trainer in Organizational and Leadership Development, 战略规划, 和沟通

教育: bachelor of arts degree, along with professional certificates in change management, 训练, 和培训

Why are you running for the Health District board of directors?

It’s a critical time for the Health District. After 27 years, Executive Director Carol Plock retired in 2022. Her replacement was in the position for only six months. Other key leaders also departed. 我在领导力发展和组织管理方面的专业知识将有助于确保下一个过渡顺利进行.

What special skills or qualifications will you bring to the board?

在我的专业工作中,我关注领导力发展、团队健康和变革管理. I coach executives on getting the best from themselves and their teams. I conduct 工作shops that align and accelerate teams on strategic plans. 董事会需要具备这种技能的人来确保成功的领导层过渡.

What do you hope to accomplish?

除此之外,我还打算成为董事会有史以来最好的大使. Using my background in journalism and communications, I will educate our community about what the Health District does. 我将亲自通过举行市政厅和在整个地区的会议上发言来进行宣传.

What is the most pressing health-related issue facing our community?

Access to health care—especially mental health. 大流行是残酷的——儿童和成人都经历了更多的焦虑和抑郁. 可悲的是,我从个人经历中知道这一点,因为我父亲于2020年自杀身亡. 这些问题促使我帮助执行主任和卫生区取得成功.


罗斯·马里昂·卢photo of 罗斯·马里昂·卢

职业: Retired environmental scientist and nurse

教育: master's degree in public health (Johns Hopkins Univ.), master's degree in environmental science (Indiana Univ.), bachelor's degree in 护理 (Univ. 宾夕法尼亚)

Why are you running for the Health District board of directors?

我想用我的知识和经验来解决卫生区2022年社区卫生调查中确定的优先需求. My background in public health, 护理, environmental science, 公共政策可以帮助卫生区解决当前和不断变化的卫生保健和公共卫生需求.

What special skills or qualifications will you bring to the board?

My interdisciplinary training, 工作, and personal experiences have given me a broad, evidence-based approach to community health. 我的护理经历,包括作为一名CO流动健康护士,帮助我培养了对他人的同情心. 在美国.S. EPA, I 工作ed on diverse environmental and human health issues.

What do you hope to accomplish?

I hope to use my understanding of the social, 经济, and environmental determinants of public health, and my experience in health care and environmental health policy, to contribute to actions to improve community public health, 获得医疗保健, and illness and accident prevention, including preparing for climate-related emergencies and disruptions.

What is the most pressing health-related issue facing our community?

我认为最紧迫的健康问题是全面整合社会, 经济, 以及健康的环境决定因素,以解决青年和弱势群体大量未得到满足的心理和行为健康需求, 会影响他们的一生以及我们社区的健康和福利吗.



职业: 卫生保健

教育: master's degree in social 工作

Why are you running for the Health District board of directors?

I have been a Fort Collins resident since 2002. 我相信卫生区在支持所有居住在该地区的人方面具有独特的地位. With coordinated leadership, 我相信,卫生区可以在解决影响我们所有人的健康问题的社会决定因素方面发挥领导作用.

What special skills or qualifications will you bring to the board?

I have served as a social 工作er, behavioral health clinician, elementary assistant principal, high school principal, 语言主任, Culture and Equity with Poudre School District, and currently as Chief Culture Officer with SummitStone Health Partners. My call to action is serving under-represented and marginalized people.

What do you hope to accomplish?

Fort Collins is a caring, 富有同情心的, and dedicated community primed and ready to serve those that need us most. 我希望帮助把我们社区内的点点滴滴联系起来,利用卫生区的专业知识和资源,共同影响和解决我们社区的需求.

What is the most pressing health-related issue facing our community?

We need children and youth behavioral health services. Care for women, veterans, and people of color is important. 通过文化包容和性别肯定的视角来发展支持对我们社区的成功至关重要. 健康的社会决定因素是卫生区的一项道德义务和重要作用. 



职业: Behavioral Health Director at Larimer County Jail

教育: master's degree in counseling

Why are you running for the Health District board of directors?

我在县里从事行为健康和心理健康工作的经验,使我具备了倡导有利于我们社区的立法措施和政策问题的知识, 以及为那些在健康和精神健康相关问题上往往没有发言权的个人发声.

What special skills or qualifications will you bring to the board?

自2018年以来,我一直担任拉里默县监狱行为健康主任一职. I have 工作ed extensively in crisis services in the Fort Collins area, 曾担任uhealth内部机构审查委员会(IRB)的董事会成员, and helped create the 8th Judicial District Competency Court.

What do you hope to accomplish?

我希望利用我在拉里默县行为健康系统的背景,为即将出台的政策提供经验知识和见解. 我将倡导公平和一致的服务,影响我们的人口和组成我们社区的个人.

What is the most pressing health-related issue facing our community?

Mental and behavioral health services that serve our adults, 青少年, 和孩子, as well as services that are available to those who are under-resourced. I hope to help our entire community have access to what they need, and the means to utilize those resources at the time they are needed.


Averil链photo of Averil链

职业: Retired nurse and public health professional

教育: master's degree in 护理

Why are you running for the Health District board of directors?

As a retired public health professional, 我有时间和社区卫生知识,可以有效地为卫生区提高社区健康的使命做出贡献. I have prior experience in community health assessment, and preventing disease, 残疾, and death through policy and systems 工作.

What special skills or qualifications will you bring to the board?

我在拉里默县担任了50年的卫生服务主任,负责管理疾病预防项目, 妇幼医疗保健, the WIC nutrition program, the Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs, 烟草预防, reproductive health services, 和免疫. I understand how policy and systems 工作 can help promote wellness.

What do you hope to accomplish?


What is the most pressing health-related issue facing our community?

心理健康和药物使用问题仍然是我们社区的主要需求. 处方援助和牙科保健是低收入人口的持续需求.


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